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Pandoc a universal document converter

Try pandoc online

You can try pandoc online here.


To see the output created by each of the commands below, click on the name of the output file:

  1. HTML fragment:

    pandoc README -o example1.html
  2. Standalone HTML file:

    pandoc -s README -o example2.html
  3. HTML with smart quotes, table of contents, CSS, and custom footer:

    pandoc -s -S --toc -c pandoc.css -A footer.html README -o example3.html
  4. LaTeX:

    pandoc -s README -o example4.tex
  5. From LaTeX to markdown:

    pandoc -s example4.tex -o example5.text
  6. reStructuredText:

    pandoc -s -t rst --toc README -o example6.text
  7. Rich text format (RTF):

    pandoc -s README -o example7.rtf
  8. Beamer slide show:

    pandoc -t beamer SLIDES -o example8.pdf
  9. DocBook XML:

    pandoc -s -S -t docbook README -o example9.db

    Chunked XHTML via DocBook and xmlto:

    xmlto xhtml -m config.xsl example9.db -o example9/
  10. Man page:

    pandoc -s -t man -o example10.1
  11. ConTeXt:

    pandoc -s -t context README -o example11.tex
  12. Converting a web page to markdown:

    pandoc -s -r html -o example12.text
  13. From markdown to PDF:

    pandoc README -o example13.pdf
  14. PDF with numbered sections and a custom LaTeX header:

    pandoc -N --template=mytemplate.tex --variable mainfont=Georgia --variable sansfont=Arial --variable monofont="Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" --variable fontsize=12pt --variable version=1.10 README --latex-engine=xelatex --toc -o example14.pdf
  15. A wiki program using Happstack and pandoc: gitit

  16. HTML slide shows:

    pandoc -s --mathml -i -t dzslides SLIDES -o example16a.html
    pandoc -s --webtex -i -t slidy SLIDES -o example16b.html
    pandoc -s --mathjax -i -t revealjs SLIDES -o example16d.html
  17. TeX math in HTML:

    pandoc math.text -s -o mathDefault.html
    pandoc math.text -s --mathml -o mathMathML.html
    pandoc math.text -s --webtex -o mathWebTeX.html
    pandoc math.text -s --mathjax -o mathMathJax.html
    pandoc math.text -s --latexmathml -o mathLaTeXMathML.html
  18. Syntax highlighting of delimited code blocks:

    pandoc code.text -s --highlight-style pygments -o example18a.html
    pandoc code.text -s --highlight-style kate -o example18b.html
    pandoc code.text -s --highlight-style monochrome -o example18c.html
    pandoc code.text -s --highlight-style espresso -o example18d.html
    pandoc code.text -s --highlight-style haddock -o example18e.html
    pandoc code.text -s --highlight-style tango -o example18f.html
    pandoc code.text -s --highlight-style zenburn -o example18g.html
  19. GNU Texinfo, converted to info, HTML, and PDF formats:

    pandoc README -s -o example19.texi
    makeinfo example19.texi -o
    makeinfo example19.texi --html -o example19
    texi2pdf example19.texi  # produces example19.pdf
  20. OpenDocument XML:

    pandoc README -s -t opendocument -o example20.xml
  21. ODT (OpenDocument Text, readable by OpenOffice):

    pandoc README -o example21.odt
  22. MediaWiki markup:

    pandoc -s -S -t mediawiki --toc README -o
  23. EPUB ebook:

    pandoc -S README -o README.epub
  24. Markdown citations:

    pandoc -s -S --biblio biblio.bib --csl chicago-author-date.csl CITATIONS -o example24a.html
    pandoc -s -S --biblio biblio.bib --csl chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl CITATIONS -o example24b.html
    pandoc -s -S --biblio biblio.bib --csl ieee.csl CITATIONS -t man -o example24c.1
  25. Textile writer:

    pandoc -s -S README -t textile -o example25.textile
  26. Textile reader:

    pandoc -s -S example25.textile -f textile -t html -o example26.html
  27. Org-mode:

    pandoc -s -S README -o
  28. AsciiDoc:

    pandoc -s -S README -t asciidoc -o example28.txt
  29. Word docx:

    pandoc -s -S README -o example29.docx
  30. LaTeX math to docx:

    pandoc -s math.tex -o example30.docx
  31. DocBook to markdown:

    pandoc -f docbook -t markdown -s howto.xml -o example31.text
  32. MediaWiki to html5:

    pandoc -f mediawiki -t html5 -s -o example32.html
  33. Custom writer:

    pandoc -t sample.lua example33.text -o example33.html
  34. Docx with a reference docx:

    pandoc -S --reference-docx twocolumns.docx -o UsersGuide.docx README
  35. Docx to markdown, including math:

    pandoc -s example30.docx -t markdown -o
  36. EPUB to plain text:

    pandoc README.epub -t plain -o example36.text


